Letter to Administrator

In meeting with school administrators and board members I have found a universal concern – how to maintain a safe school environment in today’s world.

The responsibility to provide a safe school environment, as you are aware, in today’s world is paramount. Among the many issues, student drug use is always a priority.

We have 8 years of experience in developing and administering private school substance abuse programs that assist schools in addressing the concerns of student drug use.

We specialize in tailoring programs to fit each school’s needs and philosophy, while providing strong legal guidelines and procedures.

We provide strong hands-on support during the policy development, through the orientations with parents, students and staff; with all steps of implementation and provide continued support as the school’s consultant with on-going program questions and needs.

By providing good communication through the orientation sessions, we excel in soliciting strong parent, student and staff understanding and support for your program.

I strongly believe our programs are a win-win-win opportunity for the school by providing a safer school environment; by providing parents resources and early intervention if needed; and by providing students a strong deterrent, along with increased education and awareness and help and support when needed.

Please review our information and feel free to contact us for additional information, including references.

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of providing a similar Drug-Free School program for your school, I would be happy to meet with you and/or your board at your convenience.


Hila Prather

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